Laser Communications

Laser Communications

Creating a mini internet with lasers.

Algoritmos travestifóbicos y transfóbicos

Algoritmos travestifóbicos y transfóbicos

Un encuesto de cómo se usan los algoritmos para ejecutar violencia hacia las personas travesti y trans.

Real-Time Image Processing with a Microcontroller

Real-Time Image Processing with a Microcontroller

A simple real-time image processing pipeline on a PSoC.

Sparsity-Based Mixed Mode Automatic Differentiation

Sparsity-Based Mixed Mode Automatic Differentiation

Optimizing automatic differentation for nonlinear nodal analysis.

Carotid Artery Pressure Estimation

Carotid Artery Pressure Estimation

Estimating carotid artery blood pressure with an iterative inverse model.

Computational Cardiology

Computational Cardiology

An automated algorithm for heart murmur detection (age 14).

Sewing Science

Sewing Science

The science of the strongest stitch (age 14).

Billiard Bots

Billiard Bots

The secret to the best shot, as told by a robot and a 12-year-old.