I’m a first-year PhD student in computer science at UC Berkeley advised by Ben Recht.

Previously, I received my Bachelor’s in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT and my Master’s in human rights studies from Columbia University.

I work on on interdisciplinary applications of computer science, from astrophysics to history to politics. My research has been featured in over 100 media outlets and has been liked and shared tens of thousands of times on social of media.

Curriculum Vitae
Google Scholar


Any structure carried into space must be lightweight due to the high cost of space travel. From habitats on Mars to support structures for the space station, scientists are forced to work with limited material. Every extra kilogram of mass added to a structure increases the total cost of that structure's trip to space by around $10,000. Structures made from lattice framework such as cuboct trusses are actively studied due
to their simple modular assembly and high sti ness-to-mass ratio. The improved specifications of these truss structures allow for signifcant reductions in the expense of space transportation. However, using traditional search methods to optimize a lightweight truss structure would be computationally intractable due to the large solution space (2^n) that could be searched. Creating a versatile, quick, and automated system that would design an optimal structure using resources only where necessary would signifcantly reduce the cost of transporting structures to space as well as the time required to design and optimize those structures for space applications.

In 2017, I developed a genetic algorithm for the rapid mass optimization and automatic generation of bridge structures with programmable stiffness properties build from a simple lattice framework (the cuboct truss). I performed this research as an intern for the Coded Structures Lab at NASA Ames Research Center under Dr. Kenny Cheung.  I 3D printed four of the algorithm outputs and verified their performance through stress-testing.  I also compared them against a conventionally-designed bridge and a full envelope truss beam. The results demonstrated the ability to program mechanical properties and high stifness-to-mass performance relative to conventional and naive bridges.


Topological Optimization of a Cuboct Truss Structure Using a Genetic Algorithm

Holly Jackson
AIAA Scitech Forum, 2017



NASA TechBytes
IEEE Women in Engineering

A video summary of the project from a while ago :)